Eminus eGlobal Institute is a pioneering online education provider backed by decades of pharmaceutical knowledge and experience. Why is Eminus eGlobal different? Eminus eGlobal addresses an unexplored gap in the current education system: transitioning from tertiary studies to working successfully.

In every industry, despite hiring highly talented graduates and postgraduates, enterprises recruiting fresh graduates are forced to spend millions on trainings, sometimes lasting up to two years after recruitment. Not only does this nullify a lot of university studies, but also leads to a delay in harnessing the talent an industry has invested into. This conundrum is eternally pertinent to the pharma industry, where there is a permanent shortage of skilled human resource, especially in advanced technological areas.

Eminus eGlobal Institute not only fills this gap, but enhances every aspect of a pharma professional. Our offerings go beyond the needs of pharma professionals and companies and focus on providing knowledge and expertise which is inaccessible elsewhere in the ever-evolving pharma industry.

The Business Model

Eminus eGlobal is the perfect partner for recent graduates and postgraduates wanting to stand out from others, current students wanting to enhance their studies and pharma professionals currently in the industry, in the need to upskill, specialise or be certified. Moreover, Eminus eGlobal is also capable of managing your organisation’s entire entry-level training needs and providing Continuous Professional Development (CPD) through its platform, where programs can be administered for your company, online and in-person, and can also be tailored to best suit your needs. Contact us for any corporate enquiries.

A Pathbreaking Initiative

Eminus eGlobal is a unique platform, combining innovations of the pharma and education industry. We don’t prepare individuals for the future, but we prepare them to create the future. Eminus eGlobal upgrades the pharma industry by transforming people into professionals.


Globally spread accessible education, bridging the gap between knowledge provided by tertiary studies and skills required in the industry.


Empower and upskill professionals in the pharmaceutical industry.

Governing Board

Walter White

Web Development

Sunil founded PharmSol in 2004 and led the company as Managing Director. His
C-level substantial expertise in all facets of Pharmaceutical Business, Diversity Management, International Business, Mergers & Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances brought PharmSol to operational level of excellence and growth.

Sarah Jhinson


Sunil founded PharmSol in 2004 and led the company as Managing Director. His
C-level substantial expertise in all facets of Pharmaceutical Business, Diversity Management, International Business, Mergers & Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances brought PharmSol to operational level of excellence and growth.

William Anderson


Sunil founded PharmSol in 2004 and led the company as Managing Director. His
C-level substantial expertise in all facets of Pharmaceutical Business, Diversity Management, International Business, Mergers & Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances brought PharmSol to operational level of excellence and growth.

William Anderson


Sunil founded PharmSol in 2004 and led the company as Managing Director. His
C-level substantial expertise in all facets of Pharmaceutical Business, Diversity Management, International Business, Mergers & Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances brought PharmSol to operational level of excellence and growth.